alittle_spacegallery / November 2021

alittle_spacegallery / November 2021

17 Nov 2021, Posted by kate_mercer in #artsnewydd, Celf Ar Y Bryn / Art On The Hill, Community, Exhibitions, Newport, Out & About, Wales, Work in progress

It’s coming to the end of November which can means only one thing… it’s time for Celf Ar Y Bryn Casnewydd / Art On The Hill Newport. This year, the arts trails is being organised by Sarah Goodey, Rhian Hutchings, Joanne Sutton and Jenny Falon in collaboration with all the fantastic artists and independant venues across the city.

Having been involved with the arts trail since 2017 when it first began, this year I took the decision that it was necessary to take a step back from voluntary projects and put that energy and focus back in to myself for a while… stepping back to step forward, as it were. This opportunity for reflection has allowed me to look at my practice with fresh eyes and think about what direction I’m heading in in future.

That being said! I’d like to say a huge thank you to TEMMAH for the invitation to share work as part of her ongoing curation platform alittle_spacegallery – a mini portable gallery in a back pack, built with the idea of access for art to all in Wales and beyond.

Mae’n dod i ddiwedd mis Tachwedd a all olygu dim ond un peth … mae’n bryd i Celf Ar Y Bryn Casnewydd / Art On The Hill Casnewydd. Eleni, mae’r llwybrau celfyddydol yn cael eu trefnu gan Sarah Goodey, Rhian Hutchings, Joanne Sutton a Jenny Falon mewn cydweithrediad â’r holl artistiaid gwych a lleoliadau annibynnol ledled y ddinas.

Ar ôl bod yn gysylltiedig â llwybr y celfyddydau ers 2017 pan ddechreuodd, eleni, penderfynais ei bod yn angenrheidiol cymryd cam yn ôl o brosiectau gwirfoddol a rhoi’r egni hwnnw a chanolbwyntio yn ôl i mewn i mi fy hun am ychydig… camu yn ôl i gamu ymlaen, fel petai. Mae’r cyfle hwn i fyfyrio wedi caniatáu imi edrych ar fy ymarfer gyda llygaid ffres a meddwl i ba gyfeiriad rwy’n mynd i mewn yn y dyfodol.

Hynny’n cael ei ddweud! Hoffwn ddweud diolch enfawr i TEMMAH am y gwahoddiad i rannu gwaith fel rhan o’i llwyfan curadu parhaus alittle_spacegallery – oriel gludadwy fach mewn pecyn cefn, wedi’i hadeiladu gyda’r syniad o fynediad ar gyfer celf i bawb yng Nghymru a thu hwnt.

For this years arts trail, TEMMAH has invited 10 artists to produce large postage stamp sized work (approx 4cm by 2.5cm) for alittle_spacegallery which she will then take around #AOTH2021. Confirmed artist also involved in the inaugural exhibition are:

Mieke van den Berg

Ermintrude Wheeler

Rhiannon Fogarty

Kate Mercer

Sian Barlow or

Sarah Goodey

Eamon Sweeny… with the final artists to be announced next week!


I hope you can join us for #AOTH2021 this year, taking place over Friday 26th, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th November 2021 – to keep up to date with the latest news, events and announcements, follow Celf Ar Y Bryn Casnewydd / Art On The Hill Newport on social media.

TTFN – K x



MFA Multidisciplinary Artist. Lecture / creative practitioner. Welsh artist. Cymraeg Celf.


About Celf Ar Y Bryn Casnewydd / Art On The Hill Newport

Art On The Hill Newport is a project that promotes the work of local artists in their own communities by making homes and other venues art spaces for the weekend.  AOTH also works with local partner venues to put on events and act as information points for visitors to the area over the weekend.

Created by local artists Sarah Goodey and Kate Mercer, Art On the Hill Newport began in 2017 in the NP20 area of the city, based around the micro art-centre and partner-venue Cwtsh.  Featuring open houses, events and exhibitions, they are a small group of volunteers wanting to contribute to the cultural profile of the area. 

Anyone can open their homes to share work. Artists are also invited to collaborate with other residents or partner venues and organisations to show outcomes in other places.

Ar gyfer llwybr celfyddydol eleni, mae TEMMAH wedi gwahodd 10 artist i gynhyrchu gwaith maint stamp postio mawr (tua 4cm wrth 2.5cm) ar gyfer alittle_spacegallery y bydd hi wedyn yn ei gymryd o gwmpas #AOTH2021. Yr artist sydd wedi’i gadarnhau hefyd sy’n rhan o’r arddangosfa agoriadol yw:

Mieke van den Berg

Ermintrude Wheeler

Rhiannon Fogarty

Kate Mercer

Sian Barlow neu

Sarah Goodey

Eamon Sweeny… gyda’r artistiaid olaf i’w cyhoeddi yr wythnos nesaf!


Gobeithio y gallwch chi ymuno â ni ar gyfer #AOTH2021 eleni, a gynhelir dros ddydd Gwener 26ain, dydd Sadwrn 27ain a dydd Sul 28ain Tachwedd 2021 – i gael y newyddion, digwyddiadau a chyhoeddiadau diweddaraf, dilynwch Celf Ar Y Bryn Casnewydd / Art On The Hill Casnewydd ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol.

TTFN – K x



MFA Multidisciplinary Artist. Lecture / creative practitioner. Welsh artist. Cymraeg Celf.



Am Celf Ar Y Bryn Casnewydd / Art On The Hill Newport

Mae Celf Ar Y Bryn Casnewydd yn brosiect sy’n hyrwyddo gwaith artistiaid lleol yn eu cymunedau eu hunain trwy wneud cartrefi a lleoliadau eraill yn fannau celf ar gyfer y penwythnos. Mae AOTH hefyd yn gweithio gyda lleoliadau partneriaid lleol i gynnal digwyddiadau a gweithredu fel pwyntiau gwybodaeth i ymwelwyr â’r ardal dros y penwythnos.

Wedi’i greu gan yr artistiaid lleol Sarah Goodey a Kate Mercer, cychwynnodd Celf Ar Y Bryn Casnewydd yn 2017 yn ardal NP20 yn y ddinas, wedi’i leoli o amgylch y ganolfan gelf-gelf a’r lleoliad partner Cwtsh. Yn cynnwys tai agored, digwyddiadau ac arddangosfeydd, maent yn grŵp bach o wirfoddolwyr sydd am gyfrannu at broffil diwylliannol yr ardal.

Gall unrhyw un agor eu cartrefi i rannu gwaith. Gwahoddir artistiaid hefyd i gydweithio â thrigolion eraill neu leoliadau a sefydliadau partner i ddangos canlyniadau mewn lleoedd eraill.