I’m Thinking Of You – A Virtual Postcard Project
26 May 2020, Posted by Community, Mental Health, Newport, Out & About, Published, Wales inLast Thursday, I had the absolute pleasure of taking part in I’m Thinking of You – a virtual postcard project that invites people to connect with themselves and others during the extraordinary times of COVID-19. Over a 12 week period, the project commissions different artists from across art forms to create a bespoke postcard each day, inviting people to respond in some way around the 5 ways of well-being : connect, give, take notice, keep learning and be active.
Click here for the most recent postcard: @imthinkingofyou_cymru
Especially during #mentalhealthawarenessweek2020 it was a huge honour to have work included alongside artists and creatives working with participants within our communities… plus a joy that many of those involved are friends and collaborators too! The scope of responses – from different art forms including image, illustration, song, spoken word, poetry, film and others – is phenomenal. A personal thank you to Sarah Goodey (artist and Arts Development Manager for GARTH) for the invitation to take part in this project.
Where to find I’m Thinking Of You Cymru online:
Instagram @imthinkingofyou_cymru
Feel free to share this with your friends and networks. Invite them to follow and share this project with our young people, key workers and communities. As the project develops, the team behind I’m Thinking Of You Cymru will encourage specific interactions from followers on different days e.g. teachers to kids, kids to kids, youth workers to kids, coaches to kids, roots of empathy families to kids, teachers to Teachers … and of course everyone to the NHS, with the foucs on being maintaining mental health. Use the hashtag #imthinkingofyoucymru to share post in response to these activities to join in.
Thank you again to everyone working behind the scenes on this project – to the artists, doctors, social prescribers and key workers whose efforts are helping everyone through this challenging time, as well as allowing me to make a small contribution to it. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Take care xxx

About I’m Thinking of You – A Virtual Postcard Project :
I’m thinking of you is led by Eleanor Davis, Arts in Health Project Officer for Iceberg Creative Arts Programme (AHUHB Families and Therapies). The project is supported by Arts Council of Wales and delivered In partnership with Gwent Community Psychology, Gwent Arts in Health, Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections and artists Becca + Clare.
Gwent Arts in Health is an arts, health & well-being charity that delivers a creative programme for the patients, staff and visitors in healthcare and community settings throughout the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. Find out more about them here: http://www.garth.org.uk/