Nawr Magazine 007 : In this climate?
11 Feb 2022, Posted by #artsnewydd, In the news, International, Newport, Out & About, Published, Wales inThis post is a #latergram and shout out to NAWR Magazine who have kindly featured quilts from Make Do & Mend as part of their recent call out for their latest Winter / Spring 2022 – issue 007: In this climate? (pp. 22-25).
Mae’r post hwn yn #latergram a gweiddi allan i Gylchgrawn NAWR sydd wedi bod mor garedig â rhoi sylw i gwiltiau o Make Do & Mend fel rhan o’u galwad diweddar am eu rhifyn diweddaraf Gaeaf / Gwanwyn 2022 – 007: Yn yr hinsawdd hon?

nawr writes:
“This issue of nawr is an attempt to grapple, in some way, with what it means to inhabit such a climate. The work in this issue ranges from bleak, satirical humour, in Spike Dennis’s Eat Me on page 42 to the raw, singular exposition of stuff with Kevin Dyer’s Clutter on page 34. We were delighted to be joined by Taylor Edmonds for this issue’s In Conversation With. Co-editor Martha spoke to her about her residency with Future Generations and the poetry she has created as part of her work with the commissioner. The whole interview can be found inside on pages 26 to 33. For this issue’s Beth Sy’n Digwydd?, our Culture Writer Millie responded to the theme with a creative piece that can be found on pages 46-47.
View the full issue online to see the fantastic responses to this theme through Art, Literature & Philosophy.”
I’m hugely humbled to be included amongst some of Wales’ top talent in this mag. Read the full issue online via:
TTFN – K x
nawr yn ysgrifennu:
“Mae’r rhifyn hwn o nawr yn ymgais i fynd i’r afael, mewn rhyw ffordd, â’r hyn y mae’n ei olygu i fyw yn y fath hinsawdd. Mae’r gwaith yn y rhifyn hwn yn amrywio o hiwmor llwm, dychanol, yn Eat Me Spike Dennis ar dudalen 42 i’r amrwd, unigol. datguddiad o stwff gyda Kevin Dyer‘s Clutter ar dudalen 34. Roeddem wrth ein bodd i Taylor Edmonds ymuno â ni ar gyfer In Conversation With yn y rhifyn hwn. Gwaith gyda’r comisiynydd Mae’r cyfweliad cyfan i’w weld y tu mewn ar dudalennau 26 i 33. Ar gyfer Beth Sy’n Digwydd? yn y rhifyn hwn, ymatebodd ein Hawdwr Diwylliant Millie i’r thema gyda darn creadigol sydd i’w weld ar dudalennau 46-47.
Edrychwch ar y rhifyn llawn ar-lein i weld yr ymatebion gwych i’r thema hon trwy Gelf, Llenyddiaeth ac Athroniaeth.”
Rwy’n hynod falch o gael fy nghynnwys ymhlith rhai o dalentau gorau Cymru yn y mag hwn. Darllenwch y rhifyn llawn ar-lein drwy:
TTFN – K x
About NAWR Magazine
nawr is an online quarterly magazine publishing Art, Literature & Philosophy by Welsh and Wales-based creatives. They publish work that reflects contemporary Wales and Welshness and that captures the present moment, curated in response to a theme.
Am Cylchgrawn NAWR
Mae nawr yn gylchgrawn chwarterol ar-lein sy’n cyhoeddi Celf, Llenyddiaeth ac Athroniaeth gan bobl greadigol o Gymru ac o Gymru. Maent yn cyhoeddi gwaith sy’n adlewyrchu’r Gymru gyfoes a Chymreictod ac sy’n cyfleu’r foment bresennol, wedi’i guradu mewn ymateb i thema.