Passion and reward
09 Feb 2015, Posted by Inspiration, Out & About inFirstly – welcome to all reading this post and visiting my website! Secondly – apologies to those returning visitors for the long gap in-between posts my end. It’s not been through lack of activity; if anything, I have been incredibly busy working on a number of projects involving photography and in my community of Newport, South Wales UK. It has taken until February to get my head around my new years reformation (resolution sounds too temporary – this reform is going to stick!) and make website updates part of my regular routine.
If only though I had managed to keep the blog entries going…
Sadly though, it all comes down to a matter of false starts and managing priorities. As well as my commercial commitments, I am deeply involved with 3 ongoing projects, namely David Barnes’ Valleys Re-Envisioned Project (, assistant to Magnum photographer David Hurn ( and Artist Co-ordinator at The Project Space in Newport ( These are all projects and people I care deeply about, however I have become more and more aware lately I have begun to stop prioritising my own work, create my own photographs and my follow my own path. The time has come for more focus; here is my declaration of it to you all.
The point of my post however is not to justify my absence over recent months, but to explore the context and reasoning of having had to do so. The paths we follow are never straight forward nor easy. Having graduated in 2011, it has taken me nearly 3 years (having spent a year embracing both the highs and lows of Newport’s night time economy) to get to the point where I have a relatively stable income from the work I do involving photography. Many of the classmates I have kept in touch with have not been quite so fortunate as yet although all are feverishly working away to achieve their next goal. There is no shame in this; we progress through life at our own pace along our own paths. All that is in our power is whether we maximise on the opportunities that are given to us in order to satisfy our own ambitions. If the passion is there, with patience the rewards always follow.
I hope the rewards of your patience in-between posts will follow soon – I will be working on the content and layout of my website over the next coming weeks (now with added real time blogging) so be sure to keep checking back. Until next time, take care.