13 May 2019, Posted by kate_mercer in Cardiff, Community, Newport, Out & About, Photo Jam, PHRAME Collective

This Friday The Gate is the final day of AS WE SEE IT by PHRAME Collective (last chance to see it friends, if you’ve been meaning to make it down for ages…) PLUS we’ll be talking / sharing / celebrating work on the day with our first ever #PhramePhotoJam

It’s the first in a series of informal and free portfolio reviews hosted by PHRAME, a community of creative people who love sharing work, ideas and their expertise… we want to see your work and find out about you! So, whether you are a student or a teacher, amateur or professional, come along to our first ever Photo Jam on Friday 17th May, between 13.00 and 16.00 at The Gate, Roath.

This event is open to ages 16 years and over – spaces are limited, booking is FREE but essential via: https://uk.patronbase.com/_TheGate/Productions/1Q5/Performances

Hope to see you there – find PHRAME on Facebook for more information and to keep up with what the collective is up to.

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/phramewales/

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Phramewales


TTFN – K x