Tŷ Pawb Online

Tŷ Pawb Online

03 Nov 2020, Posted by kate_mercer in #artsnewydd, Exhibitions, Inspiration, Out & About, Wales, Work in progress

Can you imagine it? It’s the day before launch night… You’ve selected 117 artworks from 350 artists to be hung across 2 gallery spaces, and installed each artwork with care… And then you’re told you have to postpone the show with 24hrs because of COVID-19!

Earlier this month, Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham had to postpone the opening of their inaugural show welcoming visual art audiences back to the art centre for the first time since March 2020. It was a bitter blow and twist of fate… alas it was not meant to be! And, with the decision made to benefit those most vulnerable in their community to COVID-19, who could possibly object?

In countenance, Tŷ Pawb have launched a virtual online experience of the Tŷ Pawb Agored / Tŷ Pawb Open for visitors to view all work online *despite* COVID-19 delays to the launch. You can see this exhibition by visiting: https://www.typawb.wales/ty-pawb-open/

A huge thank you and well done to all the team @typawb who persevered and still delivered a cracking show 💥 Bravo also to @4piproductions for making this virtual gallery experience possible 💥

It’s a beautiful show with lots of wonderful work – there’s LOTS to see so be sure to visit multiple times. Whose work you can spot?!


Allwch chi ei ddychmygu? Mae’n ddiwrnod cyn y noson lansio … Rydych chi wedi dewis 117 o weithiau celf o 350 o artistiaid i’w hongian ar draws 2 oriel, ac wedi gosod pob gwaith celf yn ofalus … Ac yna dywedir wrthych fod yn rhaid i chi ohirio’r sioe gyda 24awr oherwydd o COVID-19!

Yn gynharach y mis hwn, bu’n rhaid i Tŷ Pawb yn Wrecsam ohirio agoriad eu sioe agoriadol gan groesawu cynulleidfaoedd celf weledol yn ôl i’r ganolfan gelf am y tro cyntaf ers mis Mawrth 2020. Roedd yn ergyd chwerw a thro tynged … gwaetha’r modd, nid oedd golygu i fod! A, gyda’r penderfyniad a wnaed i fod o fudd i’r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn eu cymuned i COVID-19, a allai o bosibl wrthwynebu?

Yn wyneb, mae Tŷ Pawb wedi lansio profiad rhithwir ar-lein o’r Open Pawb Agored / Tŷ Pawb Open i ymwelwyr weld yr holl waith ar-lein *er gwaethaf* oedi COVID-19 i’r lansiad. Gallwch weld yr arddangosfa hon trwy ymweld â: https://www.typawb.wales/ty-pawb-open/

Diolch yn fawr a da iawn i’r holl dîm @typawb a ddyfalbarhaodd ac a gyflwynodd sioe gracio 💥 ​​Bravo hefyd i @ 4piproductions am wneud y profiad oriel rithwir hon yn bosibl 💥

Mae’n sioe hyfryd gyda llawer o waith rhyfeddol – mae yna LOTS i’w gweld felly gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod chi’n ymweld sawl gwaith. Gwaith pwy allwch chi ei weld?!

TTFN – K x


📧 @typawb 📸 @4piproductions 🎨 Artists in Wales
