We can be together apart – Chapter Arts Commission 2020
22 Sep 2020, Posted by #artsnewydd, Cardiff, Community, Exhibitions, Inspiration, Out & About, PHRAME Collective, Wales, Work in progress inLast month, based on work I have been developing over lock down, I put myself forward for the Chapter Arts Centre Artists Commission. I was not successful in the commission – whittling 150 artists down to 1 person is no enviable task in anyone’s book – but it was an interesting experience! I had never *pitched* for a commission before, but thoroughly enjoyed doing so. To see for yourself what the process is like – take a look at the original call out here: https://www.chapter.org/news/details/artist-call-out-chapter-artwork-commission
Y mis diwethaf, yn seiliedig ar waith yr wyf wedi bod yn ei ddatblygu dros gloi, cyflwynais fy hun ar gyfer Comisiwn Artistiaid Canolfan Gelf Chapter. Nid oeddwn yn llwyddiannus yn y comisiwn – nid yw chwibanu 150 o artistiaid i lawr i 1 person yn dasg ragorol yn llyfr unrhyw un – ond roedd yn brofiad diddorol! Nid oeddwn erioed wedi *pitsio* am gomisiwn o’r blaen, ond wedi mwynhau gwneud hynny’n fawr. I weld drosoch eich hun sut beth yw’r broses – edrychwch ar yr alwad wreiddiol yma: https://www.chapter.org/news/details/artist-call-out-chapter-artwork-commission
This was my design for Chapter Arts Centre’s window commission. At a time where we are encouraged to stay distanced from other people for the benefit of society as a whole to stop the transmission of COVID-19 to others, I wanted to use this opportunity to act as a beacon of hope, to Chapter’s immediate neighbours as well as those passing by. Particularly with many of us being encouraged to ‘work from home’, ‘home school’ or simply, stay home and to stay safe, I wanted the fabric of the artwork to reflect the domestic environments we are increasingly occupying.
For the pitch, I used photographs of letters and textile swatches to create the final image (above) however I am in the process of completing a series of patchwork banners made out of cotton fabric squares, directly linking to my current artistic practise (below) which will go on to form the body of work Make do and mend (2020 – ongoing).
Dyma oedd fy nyluniad ar gyfer comisiwn ffenestri Canolfan Gelf Chapter. Ar adeg lle rydyn ni’n cael ein hannog i aros yn bell oddi wrth bobl eraill er budd y gymdeithas gyfan i atal trosglwyddo COVID-19 i eraill, roeddwn i eisiau defnyddio’r cyfle hwn i weithredu fel ffagl gobaith, i gymdogion uniongyrchol Chapter. yn ogystal â’r rhai sy’n mynd heibio. Yn enwedig gyda llawer ohonom yn cael ein hannog i ‘weithio gartref’, ‘ysgol gartref’ neu’n syml, aros adref ac i aros yn ddiogel, roeddwn i eisiau i wead y gwaith celf adlewyrchu’r amgylcheddau domestig rydyn ni’n eu defnyddio fwyfwy.
Ar gyfer y cae, defnyddiais ffotograffau o lythrennau a swatches tecstilau i greu’r ddelwedd derfynol (uchod) ond rwyf wrthi’n cwblhau cyfres o faneri clytwaith wedi’u gwneud o sgwariau ffabrig cotwm, gan gysylltu’n uniongyrchol â’m harfer artistig cyfredol (isod) a fydd yn mynd ymlaen i ffurfio’r corff gwaith Gwneud a thrwsio (2020 – parhaus).
An indication of how this visual language developed can be seen from other maquettes, studies and artworks produced during lock down below. Thank you again to Chapter Arts selection panel (Hannah Firth, Deborah Smith and Claire Vaughan) for their consideration for this opportunity, and congratulations to the successful artist… I’m sure I’m not the only person who can’t wait to see your work!
I would very much be open to finding additional opportunities to display work at an enlarged scale with other organisations – if you hear of any, please let me know!
Gellir gweld sut y datblygodd yr iaith weledol hon o maquettes, astudiaethau a gweithiau celf eraill a gynhyrchwyd yn ystod y cloi i lawr isod. Diolch eto i banel dethol Chapter Arts (Hannah Firth, Deborah Smith a Claire Vaughan) am eu hystyried am y cyfle hwn, a llongyfarchiadau i’r artist llwyddiannus … rwy’n siŵr nad fi yw’r unig berson na all aros i weld eich gwaith!
Byddwn yn agored iawn i ddod o hyd i gyfleoedd ychwanegol i arddangos gwaith ar raddfa fwy gyda sefydliadau eraill – os ydych chi’n clywed am unrhyw rai, rhowch wybod i mi!
TTFN – K xxx