#latergram – Lost Connections with Naz Syed

#latergram – Lost Connections with Naz Syed

15 Feb 2021, Posted by kate_mercer in #artsnewydd, Community, Exhibitions, Out & About, Wales

Recently I had the pleasure of taking part with community art project LOST CONNECTIONS – developed by Naz Syed of Ziba Creative – a visual art time capsule of work inspired by our experiences of COVID-19 and subsequent lock downs.

The artwork I submitted to take part in Lost Connections was We Can Be Together Apart / Gallwn Fod Gyda’n Gillydd Ar Wahân – inspired by time spent shielding with family in 2020 and a desire to communicate in real life rather than just online. Read the full post on the project’s website here: https://www.lostconnectionsart.co.uk/post/we-can-be-together-apart—gallwn-fod-gyda-n-gillydd-ar-wah%C3%A2n-by-kate-mercer

Yn ddiweddar cefais y pleser o gymryd rhan gyda’r prosiect celf gymunedol CYSYLLTIADAU COLLI – a ddatblygwyd gan Naz Syed o Ziba Creative – capsiwl amser celf weledol wedi’i ysbrydoli gan ein profiadau o COVID-19 a’r cwympiadau clo dilynol.

Y gwaith celf a gyflwynais i gymryd rhan yn Cysylltiadau Colli oedd We Can Be Together Apart / Gallwn Fod Gyda’n Gillydd Ar Wahân – wedi’i ysbrydoli gan amser a dreuliwyd yn cysgodi gyda’r teulu yn 2020 ac awydd i gyfathrebu mewn bywyd go iawn yn hytrach nag ar-lein yn unig. Darllenwch y post llawn ar wefan y prosiect yma: https://www.lostconnectionsart.co.uk/post/we-can-be-together-apart—gallwn-fod-gyda-n-ghadh-ar-wah% Mercer C3% A2n-by-kate-mercer


Naz Syed – founder of Ziba Creative – is a community artist based in Newport. She writes:

“In these strange times, the human connections that we thrive on, are missing. Telling the stories of the community is so important – of hope, isolation, worries, memories, things that we hold close to us. What are we holding onto? What will we take forward from all of this?… My mission is to enable the community to share their stories, record their thoughts and create digital memories by bringing them together online.”

To share all the work submitted as part of Lost Connections, Naz will create a digital community gallery, a blog and a podcast of all artwork involved, with a physical pop-up exhibition planned if government guidelines allow.


It’s such a wonderful project, open to artists of all skill set and ability, from the very young all the way through to the very old! I can’t wait to see all of the artworks come together in their final show.

Find out more about Lost Connections and follow the project as it develops by connecting with Naz via the links below.

TTFN – K xxx


Mae Naz Syed – sylfaenydd Ziba Creative – yn artist cymunedol wedi’i leoli yn Casnewydd. Mae hi’n ysgrifennu:

“Yn yr amseroedd rhyfedd hyn, mae’r cysylltiadau dynol rydyn ni’n ffynnu arnyn nhw ar goll. Mae dweud straeon y gymuned mor bwysig – gobaith, unigedd, pryderon, atgofion, pethau rydyn ni’n eu dal yn agos atom ni. Beth rydyn ni’n ei ddal? Beth fyddwn ni’n ei symud ymlaen o hyn i gyd?… Fy nghenhadaeth yw galluogi’r gymuned i rannu eu straeon, cofnodi eu meddyliau a chreu atgofion digidol trwy ddod â nhw at ei gilydd ar-lein. “

Er mwyn rhannu’r holl waith a gyflwynwyd fel rhan o Cysylltiadau Colli, bydd Naz yn creu oriel gymunedol ddigidol, blog a phodlediad o’r holl waith celf dan sylw, gydag arddangosfa naidlen gorfforol wedi’i chynllunio os yw canllawiau’r llywodraeth yn caniatáu.


Mae’n prosiect mor wych, yn agored i artistiaid o bob set sgiliau a gallu, o’r ifanc iawn yr holl ffordd drwodd i’r hen iawn! Alla i ddim aros i weld yr holl weithiau celf yn dod at ei gilydd yn eu sioe olaf.

Darganfyddwch fwy am Cysylltiadau Colli a dilynwch y prosiect wrth iddo ddatblygu trwy gysylltu â Naz trwy’r dolenni isod.

TTFN – K xxx





