NEMESES: Selected collaborations by S.J. Fowler 2014-2019

Category: Publications


Nemeses: Selected collaborations by S.J.Fowler, Vol. 2. 2014 – 2019

Haverthorn Press (October 2019)

293 pages / £11.99

Full list of featured artists available here: http://www.stevenjfowler.com/#/nemeses/

NEMESES is a book of nearly 300 pages of collaborations, in text, fiction, poetry, music, photography, film, sculpture, performance and everything in between. Steven describes this book as a testament to his journey as an artist – using poetry as a base, to learn and grow as an artist through collaboration with others.

NEMESES is available to buy via: https://www.haverthorn.com/books/nemeses-selected-collaborations-of-sj-fowler-volume-2