With Other Matter : Part 2 / Roscommon Arts Centre, Ireland

With Other Matter : Part 2 / Roscommon Arts Centre, Ireland

29 Mar 2023, Posted by kate_mercer in Exhibitions, In the news, International, Newport, Out & About
Installation shot : With Other Matter 2, Roscommon Arts Centre, Ireland (2022) – Courtesy of Naomi Draper

In July 2022, I was honored to have had work selected via an on-line open call to be a part of a group exhibition at Roscommon Arts Centre in Ireland.

Curated by Naomi Draper, the exhibition brought together artists from across Ireland as well as the United Kingdom to share work around interactions with fauna and flora since COVID-19. The call-out was in fact so successful that the original run was split in to 2 parts so that more submissions could be shown as part of the exhibition.

Ym mis Gorffennaf 2022, roedd yn anrhydedd i mi gael gwaith wedi’i ddewis drwy alwad agored ar-lein i fod yn rhan o arddangosfa grŵp yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Roscommon yn Iwerddon.

Wedi’i churadu gan Naomi Draper, daeth yr arddangosfa ag artistiaid o bob rhan o Iwerddon yn ogystal â’r Deyrnas Unedig ynghyd i rannu gwaith ynghylch rhyngweithio â ffawna a fflora ers COVID-19. Roedd yr alwad allan mor llwyddiannus mewn gwirionedd fel bod y rhediad gwreiddiol wedi’i rannu’n 2 ran fel y gellid dangos mwy o gyflwyniadau fel rhan o’r arddangosfa.


Artists in With Other Matter : part one – https://roscommonartscentre.ie/event/with-other-matter-part-one/

Dorota Borowa, Martina Coyle, Robert Dunne, Betty Gannon, Kathryn Kelly, Catherine Kelly Desmond, Dave Madigan, Darran McGlynn, Ida Mitrani, Nollaig Molloy, Noel Molloy, Ciara Roche, Celine Sheridan and Sinead Smyth.

Artists in With Other Matter : part two – https://roscommonartscentre.ie/event/with-other-matter-part-two/

Mark Beatty, Lydia Hickey, Jasmin Marker, Steven Maybury, Kate Mercer, Marielle MacLeman, Ina Olohan, Kate Oram, Blaine O’Donnell, Conor O’Grady, Annabel Potterton, David Pierce, Laura Skehan, Lorenzo Tonti, Amna Walayat, Conor Wickham and Matthew Wilson


At the time, I was unable to join the other artists for the exhibition opening at Roscommon Arts Centre due to ongoing freelance commitments in Wales. And lo – what a disappointment it was to miss out on this particular launch night! I regret not taking up the opportunity to meet the other artists involved. Exhibitions are a time of celebration for everyone after all the hard work is done, and an opportunity to come together after months of isolation for us all. I am grateful to have been a part of this exhibition, as odd as it has been not to meet the other people involved.

Huge thanks to Naomi Draper and the team at Roscommon Arts Centre for all their hard work in producing the exhibition as well as their generoisty in opening up for all 31 artists to be included in the show. Thank you also for sharing installation shots of the exhibition so all parties could share from a far (shown below). I sincerely hope our paths cross again in the future.

To find out more about this exhibition and Roscommon Arts Centre, scroll down to the bottom of the page for links and bios.

TTFN – K x

Ar y pryd, nid oeddwn yn gallu ymuno â’r artistiaid eraill ar gyfer agoriad yr arddangosfa yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Roscommon oherwydd ymrwymiadau llawrydd parhaus yng Nghymru. Ac wele – dyna siom oedd colli allan ar y noson lansio arbennig yma! Rwy’n difaru peidio â manteisio ar y cyfle i gwrdd â’r artistiaid eraill dan sylw. Mae arddangosfeydd yn amser o ddathlu i bawb ar ôl i’r holl waith caled gael ei wneud, ac yn gyfle i ddod at ein gilydd ar ôl misoedd o unigedd i ni gyd. Rwy’n ddiolchgar fy mod wedi bod yn rhan o’r arddangosfa hon, mor rhyfedd ag y bu i beidio â chwrdd â’r bobl eraill a gymerodd ran.

Diolch yn fawr iawn i Naomi Draper a’r tîm yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Roscommon am eu holl waith caled yn cynhyrchu’r arddangosfa yn ogystal â’u haelioni yn agor i fyny i bob un o’r 31 artist sydd i’w cynnwys yn y sioe. Diolch hefyd am rannu lluniau gosod o’r arddangosfa er mwyn i bawb allu rhannu o bell (gweler isod).

I ddarganfod mwy am yr arddangosfa hon a Chanolfan Celfyddydau Roscommon, sgroliwch i lawr i waelod y dudalen am ddolenni a bios.

TTFN – K x

About the project

For long periods of 2020 and 2021, social restrictions limited our interactions with other humans. Urged to stay at or close to home, our engagements with the things and the other matter that occupy these spaces intensified. It has been widely documented that this period enabled a time to build new relationships with nature, plant species and the other living matter that surround us, allowing us closer observation and interaction with the often overlooked  familiar things we live with and alongside.

With Other Matter , curated by Naomi Draper, exhibits work by artists selected through an open call that invited them to share artworks and processes inspired, influenced and involving ‘other matter’, plants and nature things. Through these two group exhibitions in 2022, thirty one artists will share their observations and interactions with other matter throughout 2020 and 2021.

About Roscommon Arts Centre, Ireland (EU)

Roscommon Arts Centre is a vibrant, purpose-built arts space, which is committed to presenting a dynamic and ambitious multi-disciplinary programme of events that creates and develops audiences for the arts and contributes to local arts development in County Roscommon.

They provide opportunities for the local community to actively engage with a range of art forms through participatory and performance-based activities. The centre presents work by professional and community based artists in theatre, dance, music, visual art, comedy and literature, along with a programme of cinema in the auditorium space. They programme workshops and classes for children and adults both in the centre and off-site.

Roscommon Arts Centre recognises and supports the artist’s role as being central to the artistic process and we wish to develop our support to artists at all stages of their careers through increased opportunities at the centre.


Am y prosiect

Am gyfnodau hir o 2020 a 2021, roedd cyfyngiadau cymdeithasol yn cyfyngu ar ein rhyngweithio â bodau dynol eraill. Wedi’n hannog i aros gartref neu’n agos i gartref, dwysaodd ein hymwneud â’r pethau a’r mater arall sy’n meddiannu’r lleoedd hyn. Mae llawer wedi’i ddogfennu bod y cyfnod hwn wedi galluogi amser i feithrin perthnasoedd newydd â natur, rhywogaethau planhigion a’r deunydd byw arall sydd o’n cwmpas, gan ganiatáu inni arsylwi a rhyngweithio’n agosach â’r pethau cyfarwydd yr ydym yn byw â nhw ac ochr yn ochr â nhw sy’n cael eu hanwybyddu’n aml.

Mae With Other Matter , wedi’i guradu gan Naomi Draper, yn arddangos gwaith gan artistiaid a ddewiswyd trwy alwad agored a’u gwahoddodd i rannu gweithiau celf a phrosesau sydd wedi’u hysbrydoli, dylanwadu ac sy’n cynnwys ‘mater arall’, planhigion a phethau natur. Trwy’r ddwy arddangosfa grŵp hyn yn 2022, bydd tri deg un o artistiaid yn rhannu eu harsylwadau a’u rhyngweithio â materion eraill trwy gydol 2020 a 2021.

Ynglŷn â Roscommon Arts Centre, Iwerddon (UE)

Mae Canolfan Celfyddydau Roscommon yn ofod celfyddydol bywiog, pwrpasol, sydd wedi ymrwymo i gyflwyno rhaglen amlddisgyblaethol ddeinamig ac uchelgeisiol o ddigwyddiadau sy’n creu ac yn datblygu cynulleidfaoedd ar gyfer y celfyddydau ac yn cyfrannu at ddatblygiad celfyddydau lleol yn Sir Roscommon.

Maent yn darparu cyfleoedd i’r gymuned leol ymgysylltu’n weithredol ag ystod o ffurfiau celfyddydol trwy weithgareddau cyfranogol a pherfformio. Mae’r ganolfan yn cyflwyno gwaith gan artistiaid proffesiynol a chymunedol ym myd theatr, dawns, cerddoriaeth, celf weledol, comedi a llenyddiaeth, ynghyd â rhaglen o sinema yng ngofod yr awditoriwm. Maent yn rhaglennu gweithdai a dosbarthiadau i blant ac oedolion yn y ganolfan ac oddi ar y safle.

Mae Canolfan Celfyddydau Roscommon yn cydnabod ac yn cefnogi rôl yr artist fel un sy’n ganolog i’r broses artistig ac rydym yn dymuno datblygu ein cefnogaeth i artistiaid ar bob cam o’u gyrfaoedd trwy gynyddu cyfleoedd yn y ganolfan.
